Posted June 23, 2012 at 12:44 am
I've been realizing that in these past few months that, hey, I have toys of Soundwave in his briefly-appearing satellite form from Revenge of the Fallen, but I don't have one of him in his Earth mode in which he did stuff with other characters. The tiny Legends Class toy reached the United States, but not the two larger toys. I'd have to import them from Asia.

On the other hand, the Human Alliance version of Soundwave, which comes with its own Laserbeak, might be too big! The biggest Megatron that came out for DOTM was the Voyager, and the Human Alliance toy would likely dwarf that toy in mass. Plus it costs more! And so I had to determine my priorities.

Soundwave himself is... intimidating. If you don't like complicated toys, stay far away from him. He's a bit of a mess. Just orchestrating the layers of car parts on the backs of his arms is work enough. He's seriously a chore to transform. It's not that there's any terrible parts, it's just that there's so damn much of it. Fortunately, he looks nice in both modes. And I'm amazed at how efficient his... leg transformation is? The entirety of both his legs fit into his rear bumper. They unfold out of an area the size of a Chicken McNugget. His legs are admittedly stumpy, but I recall DOTM Soundwave's robot mode was pretty gorilla-like in proportion anyhow, so.
Plus, again, he comes with McDreamy.
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